Pintura Mural Painting Mural Duvar Resmi 壁画 Väggmâining Wandmalerei चित्र

Mural painting:
joan raven has created murals in different areas; children rooms, businesses, hotels ....
see job blog that focuses its recent creation, in a wine cellar, which use organic and biodynamic agriculture. along with other examples of their work.
Joan raven, offers his work to people, businesses, decorators ... in his works, mixed the theme proposed by the client at the same time, which adds universal concepts with an artist's own character

Pintura Mural Painting Mural Duvar Resmi 壁画 Väggmâining Wan भित्ति चित्र

Pintura Mural Painting Mural Duvar Resmi 壁画 Väggmâining Wan भित्ति चित्र
CREUS que creus-kreuz-cross-croix-croce / fotografia de TXELL TORT

divendres, 11 de juny del 2010

EL SOL centre corporal TERRA. / sun. center body. land
LA PLANTA EL CEP sexualitat, creativitat FOC./ the Plant Cep; sexuality,creativity.Fire LES COPES centre de les emocions, espiritualitat, AIGUA./ Cups center of emotions, spirituality. Water.
LA PARAULA, EL POEMA centre del intel·lecte AIRE. / the Poem; center of intellect; Air